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"the ultimate restoration business internet mARKETING CHECKLIST"

The 10 Keys to Online Marketing Success for Restoration Industry Contractors. This checklist contains some of our best tips and strategies for tripling our clients sales from the internet.

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Over 153 pages Of AMAZING info that will change the way you look at Internet Marketing! Based on real world examples & case studies of other plumbing & HVAC contractors.
SEO for Water Fire and Mold Restoration / Remediation Businesses re

Let Me Tell You WHY I'm Making This Offer, and WHY I Want You to Have This Checklist.

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with tons of Water, Fire & Mold Remediation Contractors and have a passion for helping people just like you increase their sales & business by getting their Internet Marketing right.

There is so much misinformation out there and I've heard so many horror stories from other Restoration companies about how they have been burned by previous providers that I know this information can have a huge impact on you and your life. 

From a business standpoint, this may turn out to be the most important checklist you’ll ever read. That’s because this checklist explains in detail…

How Restoration Contractors Can Triple Sales by Getting Their Internet Marketing Right!

This checklist is unlike anything you’ve seen before. Why? It’s not a hodge-podge of unproven or untested ideas that sound good on paper but fall flat on their face in the real world. Not at all. Instead, this book features actual fundamental digital marketing strategies we have complied over the last few years to help Restoration Companies just like yours. It details how you can follow a simple Internet Marketing Success Blueprint and are now reaping rich rewards. 

meet the man behind Ironclad

Ben Ricciardi

My name is Ben Ricciardi (Pronounced RICK-AR-DEE) and I LOVE helping Restoraiton companies increase their sales, grow their revenues & accomplish their goals by maximizing their leadflow online. I'm the founder of Ironclad Restoration Marketing, the leading Internet Marketing agency serving the industry.

Over the years, I've had the opportunity work with a lot of Restoration contracting companies across the country and have helped many of them go from no placement online to the point where they now dominate the search engines in their area. Many of them driving over 100 calls per month directly via the web and several seeing an increase of over $1 million in annual sales. It's an honor to share my findings and experience with you!

Here’s a small (very small) taste of the benefits of using this checklist: 

  • A Mold Assessment Company from Florida applied this “Internet Marketing Checklist” and more than tripled website visitors… while at the same time… boosting call-ins by 200% in only 4 months! (And this happened just by getting ranked at the top of the non-paid search listings. The numbers shot up when paid search was included in the mix. Imagine getting almost four times more calls pouring into your office in the next handful of months… without spending a dime on advertising!)
  • Dominate the search engine rankings and leave your competition in the dust! (The little-known secrets of ranking on PAGE ONE of Google and other major search engines for the most searched-for keywords in your local market!
  • A step-by-step, do-it-yourself Internet Marketing Checklist that you can succeed with on your own that has been used by hundreds of companies similar to yours! (No need to reinvent the wheel when you can “copy” what’s actually working now! Consider this your action plan for creating…A High-Profit, Low-Cost Internet Marketing Strategy That Sends Your Sales to Record Levels!
  • Position your website on Google, Yahoo and Bing to capture the attention of 80% (or more) of consumers searching for Water, Mold and Fire Restoration related services! (Just this little “tweak” in where your website appears in the major search engines will spike the number of calls you get off the charts!)
  • How to design a website that converts online visitors to inbound calls! (Having a website the search engines “love” does nothing for your bottom line… unless… it’s optimized to get your phones ringing day and night!)
  • How to become instantly credible and trustworthy to website visitors! (Get this right and you’ll stand “head and shoulders” ABOVE everyone else. Get it wrong and visitors will click off your website so fast it’ll make your head spin.)
  • Why it’s critical to set up a “mobile-responsive” rather than a “mobile-friendly” website if you hope to capture maximum market share! (Ignoring this growing trend among consumers is like burning hundred dollar bills on the side of the road! In fact, a recent Google report says 40% of mobile consumers turn to a competitor's website after a bad mobile experience. So you gotta get it right!)
  • Building inbound links to your website strategically that follow Google’s latest standards and best practices to a “T”! (The relevance, quality and quantity of links back to your website is the single biggest “X-Factor” to whether you’ll appear on page one or page ten. In the section on “building authority,” you’ll see exactly how to gather more quality inbound links and citations to your site.)
  • A secret way to discover who is linking to your competition (especially the ones ranking above you in the search engines)… and… legally point those links back to YOUR website! (Now get hundreds of backlinks to your site using this stealth strategy.)
  • How to create fresh relevant content consistently to maintain a high ranking! (A great SEO-optimized site with the right title tags and best links can still get ignored… if… new content isn’t being posted on a consistent basis.)
  • SHOCKING BUT TRUE: How a small contractor out of West Palm Beach, FL saw his website visitor count vault by 357% over a two-year period and his…Call Volume Explode from 25 Calls Per Month to 319 Calls in April of 2017! (An amazing 1,276% surge in leads!)

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